Contact us & Events
The club meets the first Thursday of every month.
Potluck: 6:30pm - 7:00pm, please bring a dish to share. Meeting: 7:00pm - 8:30pm. MEETING LOCATION: LAKE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE 1951 Woodlea Road Tavares, FL 32778 |
Use the arrows to change months. Click on the event title of interest for more details about that event!
Nice turn out on an overcast morning for our Day in the Bee Yard. There were a few newbees that didn’t have bees yet and wanted to get their feet wet to see if bees were for them. We inspected a few hives, went over a few inspection tricks and techniques and examined and learned about queen castles. Fun and educational as promised! Watch the website calendar for date and time for our next Day in the Bee Yard.