- Mailing address: 3733 Griffin View Dr, Lady Lake FL 32159

UF Honey Bee Lab has on line courses (for a nominal fee) https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/.../online-extension-courses/ But have started a YouTube page Beekeeping Academy for no charge. https://www.youtube.com/playlist... Both are awesome resources for all levels of beekeeping. These resources will help you make an educated decision if beekeeping is right for you. As well as continuing education and solutions for existing beekeepers. Because the more we know the more we don't know.

Click on the calendar on the events tab for more details and for other upcoming events
Lake County Beekeepers Club of Florida is a growing organization. Our mission is to provide resources to promote successful beekeeping using proven techniques and procedures in the management of honeybees and to share this knowledge with anyone interested. The Club meetings are held every first Thursday of the month at the Lake County Extension office, 1951 Woodlea Rd, Tavares, FL 32778. We start at 6:30 with a pot luck dinner and the meeting begins at 7. Here we give advice and information regarding hive management, advice for both the new and seasoned beekeeper and much more! We participate in community events and have club power buys quarterly in order to save money for our members on beekeeping supplies. The club has hives and members are invited to work with them on a monthly basis to gain experience in beekeeping. Check our calendar for our next event!